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First of all, if you want to use these photos, it's a simple matter of both common sense and common courtesy to ask permission first. Please do. Besides, the originals are at a higher resolution (usually 2272x1704, from my G2) than what I put up on this website (usually 1024x768, these days).
Most of the photos were taken with the following digital cameras :
(since November 2001) Canon PowerShot G2.
(January 2000 - November 2001) Kodak DC-240.
(a few before January 2000) Droo's old Sanyo(?) thing, or Potts' old Epson.
A few (Central Australia, et al) were scanned from printed photos.
I wrote these pages with XEmacs and its wonderful SGML editing mode (PSGML).
I'm currently using PHP for a little bit of server-side magic.
I've tried
to make sure these pages contain syntactically valid XHTML.
Really. PSGML did some of the work for me, but I also ran most
of the pages through W3's validator to make sure.
These pages should be viewable
with any standards-compilant HTML browser, not just Internet
Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
A Cascading StyleSheet is used to provide hints as to my preferred layout, colour scheme and such, but rest assured that you're not missing out on anything much if you don't have a CSS-capable browser.
Heading font currently (2007-01-12) used is Turbo Regular, which I bought from T.26.
If you'd like to copy these pictures for something or other, please ask. I won't bite.